Our Journey

About the Owner:

On October 10th, 2012 my life changed forever. I was 31 years old and the very last thing I expected was for my doctor to tell me “you have breast cancer.”

I struggled to understand how something like this could happen to me. As far as I knew, I lead a healthy lifestyle. I ate nutritious foods, exercised regularly and got frequent health screenings.

After speaking to specialist after specialist, I finally had a heart to heart with my younger brother. He had been plant based for 6 years, and had been warning me that if I didn’t properly nourish my body, sickness would come. After doing extensive research and some much needed soul searching, I realized that what I had been putting into my body was causing me harm.

I started thinking about the reaction I would have every time I ate cheese. I would end up with extreme nasal congestion and out of this world post nasal drip for several hours. I would often feel tired or sluggish after I consumed chicken or beef. In hindsight, these were clear warning signs that animal products did not agree with my body.

Following my diagnosis, I underwent chemotherapy, a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery within an 8 month time frame. After my last chemo treatment, I visited Dr. Sebi’s healing village in La Ceiba, Honduras to cleanse and transition to a plant-based lifestyle.

I made a commitment to myself to treat my body like the temple it is. Today, I’m 43 years young and I’ve never felt better. I’m so grateful to the creator for giving me a second chance at life. I’m loving myself, and man, that’s SEXY.

The Birth of Sexy Vegan:

In 2006, I moved from Portland, Oregon to Atlanta, Georgia to be closer to my younger brother, a professional athlete who had just transitioned to a plant-based diet. When he picked me up from the airport, I couldn't help but notice the t-shirt he was wearing, it boldly read "Sexy Vegan." Curious, I asked where he had gotten it from, and to my surprise, he said he had made it himself.

I told him it was super cute and jokingly suggested we start a t-shirt line together. Over the years, I would bring it up in conversation, but it wasn’t until I became fully plant-based in 2018 that I began sketching logos and working on prototypes in earnest. Two years later, I teamed up with my cousin, a talented graphic designer, to finally bring our vision to life. After 15 years of dreaming, Sexy Vegan is no longer just a brain child, it has now been born.